You have options for managing your Groundbreaker Data Import. You can add your historical data yourself or choose to have Groundbreaker load it for you. Talk to the Groundbreaker team about import options and associated fees.
Regardless of which path you take, this article will describe and explain how to organize your data for a successful import process. Once your data is available on the Groundbreaker platform, you will have increased visibility into your business and can give your investors an automated and clear view of their positions. The data you can provide is the following:
Investment Entities
Investor Accounts
When you choose to have Groundbreaker upload your data, a specialist from our team will send you the location of a secure folder with the spreadsheet where you can upload spreadsheets and other documents. Our team can take a look at your data and work with you to transform it into a structure that is aligned with Groundbreaker layout requirements. We`ll share a template you can use to organize all the data. Once both sides have reviewed the information and its format, we'll proceed with the import process.
To have a successful import, there are some key factors to consider.
Cell Format - The data you enter must conform to the format expected for that data column. Enter only numbers for numerical fields and dates for date fields. Text fields allow you to enter letters, numbers, and special characters. The cell format is defined below for each data field.
Data References - it is critical that when you enter data into text fields, especially when data relationships are created based on those fields, you are consistent about the text you enter. For example, when you provide a contact name “Sam Jones” and he owns the investor account “SJones LLC”, anywhere his investor account is entered, the text must contain “SJones LLC” and not any variations like “Sam Jones LLC”, or “S<space>Jones LLC”. The necessary and correct relationships between the data cannot be created when one of the fields contains extra spaces, a different spelling, or extraneous characters.
Importing Contacts
Your contacts include both prospects and current investors. The data you need to provide for Contacts is:
First name
Plain text field
Ex: Sam
Last name
Plain text field
Ex: Jones
Email address
Plain text in an email format [email protected]
Phone number
Plain text in a phone number format with numbers and spaces
If blank, the system will use 570 578 2488
Ex: 817 665 4111
Groundbreaker Data Import: The spreadsheet template has a Contacts tab where you can enter, review and edit the required data. Optional fields, like tags and address, are available as well.
Providing Investor Data
If you are importing information about existing investments and/or distributions, then you will provide data about the investors’ accounts, what they invested in, and the amounts of investments and distributions.
Investor Accounts
Investor Accounts are the legal entities created by the investors for managing their investments. All documents, investments, and distributions for an investor must be associated with an investment account.
Contact Full Name
Plain text field
Ex: Sam Jones
Contact email
Plain text in an email format [email protected]
Must exactly match a contact’s email address on the Contacts tab
Investor Account name
Plain text field
Ex: SJones LLC
Investor Account type (e.g. LLC, Corporation, Individual, etc.)
Pick list
Ex: Limited Liability Company (LLC)
EIN or SSN number
Plain text with numbers and dashes
Ex: 111-22-3333
Date of Birth
Date Field - format mm/dd/yyyy
Required if the Investor Account Type is "Individual"
Ex: 10/29/1998
Investor Account Address
Plain text field
Ex: 900 Michigan Ave
Investor Account City
Plain text field
Ex: Chicago
Investor Account State
Pick list
Ex: IL
Investor Account ZIP Code
Plain text field
Ex: 60611
Groundbreaker Data Import: The Spreadsheet template has an Investor Accounts tab where you can enter, review, and edit the data.
Because investors can have multiple accounts, the same name and email may appear as the contact for more than one Investor Account.
Investment Entities
Investment Entities are the legal entities you have created to manage the assets offered for investment. All documents, investments, and distributions for an offering must be associated with an investment entity.
Investment Entity name
Plain text field
Ex: Apartment Syndicators - Nevada
EIN, SSN or ITIN number
Plain text with numbers and dashes
Ex: 11-3333333
Investment Entity address
Plain text field
Ex: 123 Manchester Ave
Investment Entity City
Plain text field
Ex: Reno
Investment Entity State
Plain text field
Ex: NV
Offering Name (the marketing name that will display in your investor portal)
Plain text field
Ex: Reno Apartments
Groundbreaker Data Import: The Spreadsheet template has an Investment Entities tab where you can review and edit the data.
Investments are the amounts invested and must be associated with an investment entity and investor account.
Investment Entity receiving the investment
Plain text field
Must exactly match an Investment Entity name on the Investment Entities tab
Ex: Apartment Syndicators - Nevada
Investor Account name
Plain text field
Must exactly match an Investor Account name on the Investor Accounts tab
Ex: SJones LLC
Investment Amount
Currency field
Ex: $10,000.00
Date Contributed (Investment close date)
Date Field - format mm/dd/yyyy
Ex: 10/29/2020
Groundbreaker Data Import: The Spreadsheet template has an Investments tab where you can enter, review, and edit the data.
Distributions are the amounts paid to investors and must be associated with an investment entity and investor account.
Investment Entity making the distribution
Plain text field
Must exactly match an Investment Entity name on the Investment Entities tab
Ex: Apartment Syndicators - Nevada
Investor Account name
Plain text field
Must exactly match an Investor Account name on the Investor Accounts tab
Ex: SJones LLC
Distribution Amount
Currency field
Ex: $400.00
Date of Distribution Payment
Date Field - format mm/dd/yyyy
Ex: 3/17/2021
Distribution Name
Plain text field
Ex: 2021 Q1 Distribution
Groundbreaker Data Import: The Spreadsheet template has a Distributions tab where you can enter, review, and edit the data.
Support Information
If you have more questions or feedback, please use the live chat in-app (located in the bottom right corner) or contact [email protected].