On the Groundbreaker Platform, investors will be able to express interest and enter a position in your deal through the Offering presented on the Investor Portal. Groundbreaker gives you the ability to market your deal with high-resolution photos, descriptive details, and additional documents that will increase its appeal to potential investors. An Offering is essentially a marketing document for an investment deal - the actual legal holding entity is the Investment Entity.
In addition to retaining all the marketing information, all offers and progress toward funding goals are maintained with the Offering and presented when you view the Offering.
When you select Offerings from the main menu, you can add a new offering when you click Create offering at the top right of the page. This article describes the workflow.
Your existing offerings are listed with overview information giving you the status of each at a glance.
When you click on an existing offering, the offering detail page gives you important information about the offering.
Offering Detail Page
This is the detail page presented when you click on the Offering.
Offering Status
The current stage of your offering is shown at the top of the page next to the name of the offering. It is also shown on the right-hand side of the page where you can toggle between Active and Draft:
Your offering can be in one of three different statuses.
Draft - you are still gathering and preparing information before presenting to potential investors
Active - the offering is presented on the investor portal and actively taking reservations or commitments
Closed - fundraising has completed and you are no longer accepting offers
Fundraising Status
A summary of the number of prospects and the amounts they have reserved or committed are shown in the fundraising status table along with a fundraising bar to show the progress toward your equity goal.
Offering Basics
In addition to the offering status, this section of the page identifies some basic attributes associated with the Offering.
This is where you see:
The offering stage - either Reservation or Commitment
The equity goal
The expected hold time
Minimum and maximum investment amounts, if specified
The investment entity managing the offering
The Non-disclosure agreement (NDA) status
Offering Views
This is a calendar showing the number of views this offering has received in the past year. Each time one of your portal users accesses the offering card on their homepage, the offering count is updated. The numbers on the grid are only updated once a day, so there may be a delay between the actual view and the information on this calendar.
Each box represents a day and the colors grow darker with more views. Hovering over a day gives you the exact date and view count.
Prospects List
The table showing the prospects for this offering is at the bottom of the page.
Each prospect is listed with
Their subscription status
When they viewed the offering
The status of their document signature(s)
The amount they have reserved or committed.
If NDAs are enabled for the offering, you will see the date the prospect agreed to the NDA.
You can click on any row to get the detail about the prospect and their status in this offering.
There are several actions you can take to manage the offering from this page. Six of those actions are identified here for you.
Add prospects - chose individuals or defined groups from your contacts to add as prospects to the offering
Edit - you will be taken through the edit offering workflow where you can revise the offering
Status - change between Active and Draft if you need to change the status of the offering
Prospect detail - click on a row in the prospect table to go to the subscription page for that prospect
Close offering - make this selection when fundraising is complete and you are no longer accepting offers
Delete offering - you can delete the offering if it should not be a part of your portfolio
Support Information
If you have more questions or feedback, please use the live chat in-app (located in the bottom right corner) or contact [email protected].