When you are ready to raise funds for an offering, you must associate the offering with an investment entity and define the subscription parameters. Although you define the parameters as part of the edit/create offering workflow, they are saved with the Investment Entity. Anytime you revise the parameters, they are revised for all offerings associated with the investment entity. Subscription parameters give you the ability to:
Establish a minimum and maximum subscription amount
Specify who is authorized for countersignatures
Set up funding parameters and instructions
Manage the online subscription documents
When you are first creating an offering, you can define these settings on the Stage and parameters page that is displayed when you click Save and continue after completing the offering description.
If you are updating an existing offering:
=> Select Menu from the Home Dashboard.
=> Select Offerings
=> Click on the offering
=> Click on Data Room or Settings
Go to the Stage and parameters page.
Offerings that are ready for fundraising must be set to Commitment and you must select or create an investment entity.
Create a New Investment Entity
When you click in the search box, you can choose Create a new entity.
The application will lead you through the steps needed to define the entity and its subscription parameters. First, provide the entity name, tax id, and address.
When you click Save entity, you will then define the parameters that define the subscription.
Parameters with a yellow marker must be completed before you can move forward.
Commitment Amounts - You can define minimum and/or maximum investment amounts.
Counter-signer - Identify the person on staff responsible for countersigning the LP's agreements.
Contribution Funding Options - You must define the options by which you will receive funds from your investors. Click and complete the required information for each funding method you will accept.
Online Subscription Documents - The final parameter defines the documents that make up the subscription package.
Use an Existing Investment Entity
If you select an existing investment entity, you will be notified of any other offerings that may be associated with the investment entity. Because it has already been created, all subscription parameters are completed. You can review and change any of the parameters, but be aware that those changes will apply to all offerings that share the investment entity.
Whether you create a new investment entity or use an existing one, as long as each required element has a green checkmark, you can proceed to the next step.
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