You can add prospects to your offerings as a way to focus on those most likely to invest in any given offering. Adding prospects makes it easier for you to track, manage, and communicate with them.
Add prospects at the time you publish an offering
=> Select Menu from the Home Dashboard
=> Select Offerings
If you are creating a new offering, click on Create offering and follow the steps. This article has more detail.
If you are adding prospects to a draft offering:
=> Click on the draft offering name
=> Click on Edit
Regardless of whether you are creating a new offering or are updating a draft, on the Ready to Publish page, you can select a group of contacts to be added as prospects to the offering.
If you don't have a contact group already defined, you can click Contacts page and you will be taken to the list of your contacts. On that page, you can create a contact group that you can then use here. This article has more detail.
Contacts that meet the criteria for the group you specify will be added to the offering as prospects when you publish the offering.
Add prospects from the Offering page
=>If you have an active offering and want to add new prospects to it
Open the specific offering and click More Actions in the top-right corner. From the dropdown menu, select Add Prospects. A modal will appear where you can either:
Add individual contacts by selecting them one by one.
Add an entire contact group that you have previously created for faster selection.
For guidance on creating contact groups, refer to this article on creating contact groups.
Add prospects from your list of Contacts
=> Select Menu from the Home Dashboard
=> Select Contacts
When you click the box next to a contact(s), you have the ability to them as prospects to the offering you select.
Provide the name of the offering and click Add as prospect.
The contacts you selected are added as prospects to the offering.
Reference Materials
Support Information
If you have more questions or feedback, please use the live chat in-app (located in the bottom right corner) or contact [email protected].